Sex With Robot: The Future of Orgasms [2024 Statistics]

Sex with robots is what they sound like: robotic partners that act like humans. They may be the future of sex but will sexbots reduce human sexual function?

sex with robot

Back in the day, blow-up sex dolls were seen as taboo and awkward devices for pleasure. Now, with silicone imitation skin and robotic artificial intelligence, sex dolls have evolved into an intricate concept, slowly creeping their way into the mainstream. 

But how do these “sexbots” work? What are they made of? Are they good for our sexuality as humans, or will they reduce our ability to connect sexually?

We combed through the available data to answer these questions for you – and more.

First, take at these stellar sexbot statistics:

  • One prominent futurologist predicts that women and men will have more sex with robots than each other by 2050.
  • 22% of American adults would consider having sex with a robot as of 2020. In 2017, this percentage was only 16%.
  • Current sex dolls can touch and detect movement, blink, move their brows, tilt and turn their heads, and hold conversations.
  • 50.7% of people think forming a genuine romantic connection with a sex robot is possible.
  • Living with a sex doll can be a helpful and healing transition process for those dealing with trauma.

What Is a Sex Robot?

First thing’s first – what exactly is a sex robot? There are a few different types, but suffice it to say that a sexbot is a pleasure robot designed to look and act as human as possible. 

Here are the technical definitions:

  • A sex robot – or sexbot – is an anthropomorphic robotic sex doll with a humanoid form, human-like movement/behavior, and some level of artificial intelligence (AI). (Oxford Academic, 2017)1
  • Realbots are made to resemble the body and face of a person and are infinitely customizable. (Silicon Sexy Doll, n.d.)2
    • These sex dolls have an AI that allows them to speak in English, answer questions, and use human facial expressions. 
  • Sex dolls are human-like anatomically correct dolls designed to generate or improve sexual pleasure for solo and partnered sex. (Encyclopedia of Sexuality and Gender, 2020)3
    • These dolls have at least one penetrable hole and/or one insertable body part. 
    • The dolls come in different genders, races, ages, body types, and more. 
  • All sex robots are different, but they each have some design similarities: (, 2022)4
    • There’s usually a control chip placed in the head where the brain would be. This allows the doll to process data, speak, and use its AI.
    • The control chip can sometimes work with an app on your phone, allowing you to interact with the sex robot from a distance, talk with them, and change their mood. 
    • You can make the robot act naughty, shut them down, or simply talk. They can also read you the latest current events. 

What Do Studies Say About Sex Dolls/Robots?

Sex robots are here, and they’re here to stay; so what do studies say about them? These bots have a growing popularity with heterosexual men as the most purchasers, but every demographic uses them to some extent. 

Here’s a look at the numbers. 

  • People of all genders, sexes, and sexual orientations use sex dolls, but about 90% of all sex doll sales are of female dolls to male customers. (Journal of Service Research, 2022)5
  • Current sex dolls can touch and detect movement, blink, move their brows, tilt and turn their heads, and hold conversations. (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 2019)6
    • Conversations can be as simple as remembering facts or as complex as engaging with their partner’s emotions. 
  • One prominent futurologist predicts that women and men will have more sex with robots than each other by 2050. (Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2020)7
  • Sex doll brothels already exist in Asia, North America, and Europe. (Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2020)7
    • In these brothels, customers pay by the hour to be in a room with a sex doll of their choice. 
  • A German internet survey found that 9% of men and 2% of women had used sex dolls in their lives. (Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2020)7
  • A survey of mostly female (81%) undergrad students taking sexuality courses in the US found that 8% of respondents would use a sex doll, and 17% could understand the desire. (Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2020)7
  • A survey of 52 sex doll owners on an online forum showed that they used their dolls for both solo and partnered sexual activities. (Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2020)7
    • 21% of male doll owners were in a relationship with a human, and 39% had more than one sex doll. 

Sex Robots by the Numbers

To get to the bottom of how people feel about sex robots, we conducted our own survey in March of 2022. We asked 3,292 people about sex robots, and this is how they responded: 

  • 37.5% of people would have sex with a sex robot, but only 30.1% would invite a human to have casual sex. 
  • 57% of respondents want to talk and interact with a complex sex robot, and 50.1% say they’re interested in having sex with one. 
  • 50.7% of people think forming a genuine romantic connection with a sex robot is possible. 
  • 41% of people said that using a sex robot counts as cheating on your partner. 
  • 41.9% said they would have a threesome with their partner and a sex robot. 
  • 51.5% think sex robots will make the objectification of people worse. 
  • 52.2% say that sex robots will reduce sexual assault in the future. 
  • 35% think that child sex robots are a good idea, while 50.5% think they’re a bad idea. 
  • 44% of people are interested in going to a cyber brothel, and 45.9% think that sex robots will replace human sex workers in the future. 
  • Only 9.3% of respondents had never heard of a talking sex robot. 

How Do People Feel About Sex Robots?

Interestingly enough, the percentage of people who view sexbots positively has increased in the past few years. Younger people are far more likely than older people to be willing to try them out. 

Here’s what some studies and surveys have found about people’s feelings toward sexbots.

  • A survey found that only 7.5% of respondents had a strong interest in sex with a robot, but 18.6% were looking forward to sex robots becoming easily available. (Journal of Future Robot Life, 2021)8
    • Interest in having sex with a robot by sex:
      • A little:
        • Men – 10.5%
        • Women – 6.5%
      • A moderate amount:
        • Men – 4.3%
        • Women – 3.8%
      • A lot:
        • Men – 2.2%
        • Women – 1.1%
      • A great deal:
        • Men – 3.2%
        • Women – 1.1%
  • Another survey found that 22% of American adults would consider having sex with a robot. (YouGov, 2020)9
    • This average is 6 percentage points higher than it was in 2017. 
    • Men – 30% would consider having sex with a robot. 
    • Women – 14%
    • Adults ages 18 to 34 – 32%
    • Ages 25 to 54 – 24%
    • Ages 55+ – 13%
  • In a study of undergrads, over 50% of respondents thought that sex with robots may increase the quality of sex with other humans. (Sex and Friendship with Robots, 2018)10
    • 40% said that sex with a robot does not count as cheating. 
  • 42% of American adults say that sex with a robot is safer than sex with a stranger. (YouGov, 2017)11
    • 32% of respondents in this study said that sex with a robot should be considered cheating, while 33% said it shouldn’t. 
    • 36% of women considered it cheating, and 29% didn’t. 
    • 29% of men considered it cheating, while 37% did not. 
  • 70% of male respondents in one study said they would use a sex robot. (Journal of Future Robot Life, 2022)12
  • A study of German men found that 40.3% said they would buy a sex robot within the next five years. (Journal of Future Robot Life, 2022)12
  • 22% of Dutch respondents say that robot sex partners can decrease rape and sexual assault. (Journal of Future Robot Life, 2022)12
    • 17% of participants in this study thought robots could help those with social or sexual difficulties. 
  • One survey showed that 42% of respondents would have sex with a robot: (Tidio, 2022)13
    • Males are more open to sex robots, with 48% saying they would have sex with one as opposed to just 33% of females. 
    • 39% of respondents said they were open to a romantic relationship with an AI. 
      • 43% of men and 33% of women gave this response. 
  • Another survey found that 27% of respondents consider robot sex to be cheating, 31% do not, and 41% don’t know. (YouGov, 2020)9
  • Adults were asked if sex with a robot should be considered closer to traditional sex, masturbation, or neither: (YouGov, 2020)9
    • Intercourse – 14%
    • Masturbation – 31%
    • Neither – 21%
    • Prefer not to say/Don’t know – 34%
  • The same survey asked if paying for sex with a robot should be considered prostitution: (YouGov, 2020)9
    • Yes – 17%
    • No – 48%
    • Prefer not to say/Don’t know – 35%

Will Sex Robots Replace Humans?

Manufacturing, food ordering, stock trading – most of it is all automated now. Is that the future of sexual encounters, too?

While we don’t think good old-fashioned sex is ever going away, there will likely be an expanding market for robot sex brothels pretty soon. 

  • A study of 2,000 Americans found that 16% would prefer to have sex with a robot over a human. (SWNS Digital, 2021)14
    • 41% would prefer a sexbot that can talk, make memories, and display sentience. 
  • The average American would pay $1,666 for their perfect sexbot, with men willing to pay $560 more than women on average. (SWNS Digital, 2021)14
  • Sex robots could be in the care industry in the future. (DeGruyter, 2021)15

Sex Robot Benefits

There are several upsides to having sex with a robot, especially if you’re nervous about your sexual prowess, have a sexual health issue, or want to avoid an STI. 

Here are some of the most prominent benefits of robot sex.

  • Sex robots do not transmit diseases, making them technically safer than sex with a human. (Psychology Today, 2020)16
  • Sex with a robot may help someone vent sexual frustrations that might otherwise be channeled into sexual assault or harassment. They’re a good tool for gaining sexual experience before having human relations. (Psychology Today, 2020)16
  • Sex robots can be a fun addition to the sexual experiences of both individuals and couples. (Psychology Today, 2020)16
    • Some couples who have considered a threesome say a robot might be a healthy alternative to the complications of finding a third person. 
  • Living with a sex doll can be a helpful and healing transition process for those dealing with trauma. (Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2020)7
  • 45% of therapists say they could imagine recommending sex robots in therapy. (Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2019)17
    • 11% said that the therapeutic use of sex robots was inconceivable to them. 
  • An internet survey of Germans found that 82.3% supported the use of sex robots, especially for those with physical disabilities, instead of prostitution. (Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2019)17
    • Over 80% said they could imagine using a sex robot to treat a sexual problem.
    • More than 55% could imagine using sex robots for therapy. 
  • One physician claims that “… sexbots might help safe sex, be therapeutic for people with sex or companionship problems, and might reduce sexual abuse of children.” (, 2018)18
    • Another claims that sexbots can help users gain sexual knowledge and expertise without the pressure of real-world intimacy. 
    • They could bring relief to those suffering from sexual struggles such as erectile dysfunction, irregular libido, loneliness, or disability. 

The Downside to Sexbots

Despite the benefits, sexbots also have some clear downsides. Sex toys aren’t regulated like other products, so toxic materials used in their manufacture could pose health risks. 

There’s also the moral question of how sexbots should and should not look. 

  • Some clinicians and ethicists say that pedophiles could use sexbots to prevent them from committing child sexual abuse. (Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2020)7
    • Others reject this idea entirely, saying that sexbots would normalize and proliferate child sexual abuse in both pedophiles and society as a whole. 
  • Toxic phthalates – banned in American children’s toys due to the risk of absorption through the skin – may comprise half the weight of some sex toys. (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 2019)6
    • This is just one example of potential physical, biological, and chemical risks from sexbots. 
  • Internet-enabled sexbots create cybersecurity risks that we don’t have defenses or regulations for just yet. (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 2019)6
    • This could allow third parties to collect and store information or videos of sexbot use or even hack it remotely. 

This Year’s Best Sexbots

Interested in getting your own sexbot? 

Here are the best sex bots of the year:

If you’re interested in more AI sex dolls, you can check our guide of the best sex robots for men! If you’re looking for a branded sex doll, you can go to our Realdoll review! compiled a list of the year’s best sex bots that we’ve made available here (, 2022)4

The Best Sex Robot For Men

1. Harmony

Customizable from 60 to 105 lbs
Customizable from 4 ft 10 to 5 ft 10 in
    • Large, voluptuous breasts
    • Sophisticated artificial intelligence
    • Blonde bombshell

Harmony is the perfect combination of beauty and brains. She is a blonde, voluptuous bombshell who is also very intelligent. She can carry on a conversation, she knows what you want, and she is always ready and willing to please. Her long blonde hair and hourglass figure are evocative of a 60s fashion model.

The Newest Sex Robot

2. Serenity

Weight: 60 lbs
Height: 4 ft 10 in
    • A cute, mysterious face
    • Long red-hair
    • Lusty eyes and curvy figure

Serenity is a real sex robot with a petite figure, long red hair, and an insatiable appetite for sex. She loves nothing more than to be pleasured by her owner and will go to great lengths to make sure that happens.

3. Solana

Customizable from 60 to 105 lbs
Customizable from 4 ft 10 to 5 ft 10 in
    • Beautiful Latina with seductive eyes and big lips
    • Dark, black hair
    • Curvy, toned figure

Solana is a Latina nymphomaniac who is always ready and willing to please. She has long, black hair and a scrumptious body that is sure to get your heart racing.

Her hot body is begging to be touched, and her tight pussy is always wet and ready for action. She comes equipped with a removable vagina that will make you cum harder than you ever have before.

4. Nova

60 lbs
4 ft 10 in
    • Beautiful Latina with seductive eyes and big lips
    • Dark, black hair
    • Curvy, toned figure

Nova is a beautiful, mature Latina with black hair and full lips. She’s the perfect ultra-realistic sex robot for any man who wants a passionate and sensual experience.

Nova is equipped with artificial intelligence, so she can interact with you on a vocal and sensory level. This means that she can smile, wink, and change expressions as you touch her.

5. Marvella

108 lbs
5 ft 5 in
    • Very realistic
    • Moans and expresses pleasure
    • Breast K cup

A beauty with brains, Marvella is one of the best-selling AI robot sex dolls at the moment. She’s sexy and talkative, and her legs are wide open.

Her perfect body measurements are accentuated by a K cup, which is not for everyone. Her voluptuous body is waiting for nothing more than a man who knows how to manage it.

6. robbyn

94 lbs
5 ft 2 in
    • She listens to you and obeys your commands
    • Talks and sings
    • Breast cup H.

Robbyn is the sexy, freaky girl next door. Blonde and with voluptuous curves, she can become the perfect companion if you’re looking to have some fun.

She listens to you, obeys your commands, and, if you like it, talks to you. Thanks to artificial intelligence, she can learn about you over time; she can discuss more and more with you and respond to your unique stimuli.

7. Glinda

76 lbs
5 ft 1 in
    • Sweet and delicate
    • Ideal for manga lovers
    • Breast cup G

Glinda is a sex doll with artificial intelligence. Her appearance is not the most realistic, but she’s perfect if you want a doll that seems like it came right out of a manga.

8. Kaori

90 lbs
5 ft 6 in
    • A beauty from another era
    • Adapts to your body temperature
    • Breast cup F

Kaori is all of this and more. She is an AI sex robot that is realistic, created by designers who are very attentive to their customers’ needs.

9. Stasia

94 lbs
5 ft 1 in
    • Responds to your touch
    • Sexy and exciting body
    • Breast cup N

Stasia is a beautiful, elegant, and seductive red-haired female sex robot. Wild nights await you with Stasia by your side. But she’s not a simple doll.

This beauty is equipped with artificial intelligence, a microchip in the brain that allows her to interact with you on a vocal and sensory level.

10. Candyce

90 lbs
5 ft 6 in
    • Lightweight and easy to handle
    • Sensual and sweet
    • Breast cup F

Candyce’s elegance and grace make her one of the best dolls equipped with artificial intelligence. Don’t be fooled by her appearance, though: she’ll satisfy you in bed without ever saying no.

This sex doll is made of TPE, a material that is extremely realistic and soft to the touch. And just like real skin, it’s responsive to your body heat.

Sex Robot FAQs

Sexbots are new and confusing, so we’ll try to head off any common questions with some educated answers. 

  • Here are some answers to frequently asked questions about sexbots. (Sex Tech Guide, 2022)19
    • Can sex robots feel?
      • Sexbots can’t really feel emotion, and their AI is far from complex enough to pass a Turing test. 
      • They are getting closer to replicating the authentic feel of human skin. 
    • How much do sex robots cost?
      • Sex robots can cost anywhere from $6,000 to over $10,000.
      • Increasing a cup size can be an $850 charge. 

Sexbots and the Future

Sexbots are only increasing in complexity, and they’re becoming more and more common around the world. Sexbot brothels have opened up in several countries, and general opinion toward them is becoming more positive with time. 

These bots come with AI that simulates human interaction, emotion, and conversation. This can be incredibly helpful for traumatized individuals who need therapeutic companions and a safe way to be intimate with another being. 

Many people think sexbots will reduce overall sexual assault and rape, as sexual aggressors will be able to vent their frustrations onto robots instead of people. This doesn’t solve the problem of sexual violence, but it may be a step in the right direction. 

Morally, people are conflicted about whether robot sex counts as prostitution if it’s paid for – or whether or not it even counts as sex. Some individuals – and even some couples – are excited to add a sexbot to their bedroom experience, while others view it as infidelity. 

It’s hard to argue that a giant-breasted, doe-eyed, thicc-hipped silicone robot isn’t promoting unrealistic beauty standards and sexual objectification. It’s even harder to argue that a childlike sexbot is ethically okay or even psychologically healthy. 

But sexbots aren’t going away. It’s up to us to find a path to pleasure that glorifies our physical differences and boosts our mental health rather than degrading it.


  1. Oxford Academic, 2017. A book on the social and ethical implications of having sex with robots.
  2. Silicone Sexy Doll, n.d. A brief article on the characteristics of one company’s high-tech silicone sex dolls.
  3. Encyclopedia of Sexuality and Gender, 2020. An article on human-like sex dolls and their characteristics.
  4., 2022. An article on the top 11 artificial intelligence sex robot dolls and their characteristics.
  5. Journal of Service Research, 2022. An article on the growing trend of sex robot dolls in the mainstream.
  6. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 2019. An academic article on how sex robots increase the risk of malevolent artificial intelligence.
  7. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2020. An academic article on the design, usage, and implications of sex dolls and sex robots.
  8. Journal of Future Robot Life, 2021. An academic article on the attitudes toward sex robots using data from an online survey of 376 respondents, 84.1% of whom were heterosexual.
  9. Journal of Future Robot Life, 2021. An academic article on the attitudes toward sex robots using data from an online survey of 376 respondents, 84.1% of whom were heterosexual.
  10. Sex and Friendship with Robots, 2018. A study of 223 undergraduate students from the University of Victoria.
  11. YouGov, 2017. An article on the results of a study of 1,146 American adults on their opinions toward robot sex.
  12. Journal of Future Robot Life, 2022. A study of men with paraphilic interests and their desires to interact with sex robots.
  13. Tidio, 2022. An article on artificial intelligence trends and the jobs that have been and will be taken by AI robots.
  14. SWNS Digital, 2021. An article on the results of a study of 2,000 Americans on their thoughts about sex robots.
  15. DeGruyter, 2021. An article on the non-sexual activities that we can engage in with sex robots.
  16. Psychology Today, 2020. An article on the various benefits and drawbacks of sex robots in the future.
  17. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2019. A study on the perspectives of 72 sex therapists and physicians toward the use of sex robots and sex dolls.
  18., 2018. An article on the potential uses of sex robots for humans and the different arguments for each.
  19. Sex Tech Guide, 2022. An article on the origins and basic characteristics of sex robots and how real they are.
Dainis Graveris

Dainis Graveris

Over last 4 years Dainis have helped millions of people through his advice on this site (200+ guides and 1M+ visits/monthly). His work & advice has appeared on sites like: Healthline, Vice, Cosmopolitan, Men's Health, WomensHealthMag, MindBodyGreen & more. Read More.

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