Contact Us

You can reach me (Dainis) using this email dainis [at] sexualalpha [dat] com. But before you do so, keep in mind that we don't accept any sponsored posts or advertising.  Our responsibility is to stay true to our values and ensure we're not biased when reviewing any sex toys or recommending any companies. We are reader supported and our first and foremost responsibility is to serve them.

So you’ve got something to say and would like to reach out?

Cool! We want to hear from you!:

  • Have a Question? — have you noticed a mistake, a broken page or a usability issue? You have a cool tip to share on how we can become better? We want to hear from you!
  • Want to Collaborate? — Are you a sex blogger, have a podcast, Youtube channel, sex shop and have an idea of how we can work together and help each other grow? Cool! Let’s talk!
  • Let’s Be Friends? — Are you a fellow sex blogger and are looking for a friend to exchange ideas with, talk about sexual wellness industry challenges and opportunities…or just feel like we should talk? Reach out, don’t be shy!
  • Write for Us / Work For Us — Finally, maybe you love what we stand for, want to help more people & impact to sexual wellness industry? We need help and are always looking for talented & smart writers, researchers, designers and SEO gurus.

You can reach me (Dainis) at dainis at sexualalpha dat com:

Put “SexualAlpha Contact” in the subject.

But before you do so, keep in mind that we don’t accept any sponsored posts or advertising.

Our responsibility is to stay true to our values and ensure we’re not biased when reviewing any sex toys or recommending any companies.

We are reader-supported and our first and foremost responsibility is to serve them.